
豆瓣评分: 0状态: 超清中字

◎影片片名: 美国豚鼠3

◎影片别名: 美国豚鼠3:所罗门之歌

◎影片导演: Arman Nshanian

◎影片编剧: Audrey Gevorkian / Sylvia Kavoukjian

◎影片主演: Samvel Tadevosian / Arman Nshanian / Sos Janibekyan / Arevik Gevorgyan / Tatev Hovakimyan / Jean-Pierre Nshanian / Artashes Aleksanyan / 谢可·图克马尼安 / 纳林·格里戈里安 / Rudolph Ghevondyan / Tatev Ghazaryan

◎影片分类: 恐怖片

◎影片语言: 亚美尼亚语

◎影片地区: 亚美尼亚

◎上映年份: 2020-11-26(亚美尼亚)

◎影片时长: 103分钟

◎IMDb编码: tt8910408

◎影片备注: 超清中字



Inspired by true events, this is a film about a childhood friendship, torn apart by the horrific Hamidian massacres infiltrated by the Ottoman Empire under the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1894-1896). A brave Turk woman at a time of dire prejudice risks her own life and the life of her family to save her best friend who is hunted down for her religious beliefs. This epic port... 


